A proven industrial-grade automated system for precise ICP dilution, viscosity and FTIR analysis of oil samples

Revolutionise your oil sample analysis with the HF-LVFI. It provides unmatched precision and reliability for diluting ICP samples (by mass or volume) and performing viscosity and FTIR analysis within the same system, all in under 60 seconds per sample.

Automating viscosity measurement along with FTIR analysis and ICP sample preparation for oil samples is a game-changer, offering you numerous benefits for your lab.

Some of the key benefits of this innovative system:

  • Precision and consistency
    The fully automated viscosity and FTIR sample introduction enables precise and repeatable results. This is essential for accurate analysis and diagnosis of customer assets.
  • Speed and efficiency
    The system offers higher throughput compared to manual procedures. This significantly reduces turnaround times and improves the efficiency of laboratory operations.
  • Multifunctional analysis
    By combining viscosity measurement with FTIR analysis and ICP sample preparation, the system enables comprehensive analysis of the oil samples‘ chemical composition, impurities, and metallic contaminants.
  • Waste Reduction
    The reusable pipette saves three disposable pipettes per sample from landfill, with no impact on result quality and no carry-over contamination.
  • Reduction of error sources
    Automation minimises human error, reducing the risk of misinterpretation or inaccurate results. This improves the reliability of the analysis and increases confidence in the measured data.
  • Data capture and integrity
    Fully automated systems enable accurate data capture and processing, resulting in higher data integrity to maintain the chain of custody. This facilitates the traceability of results and enables reliable reporting.
  • Compliance with regulations and standards
    The system’s comprehensive analytical capability enables it to meet the requirements of various industry standards and regulations. This is particularly important in areas such as quality control and environmental compliance.
  • Improved product quality and performance
    The precise characterization of oil samples allows problems to be detected and corrected at an early stage, resulting in improved product quality and performance. This supports the long-term maintenance and reliability of machinery and equipment.

The modular design allows full integration with other HF automated systems and can easily communicate with all popular LIMS platforms. We will happily integrate any of your existing instruments, allowing you to automate them without needing to replace them. Additional tests such as colour, crackle, PQ and many more can be added to the same automated module as required.

Overall, the integration of fully automated viscosity measurement with FTIR analysis and ICP sample preparation provides a powerful solution for the comprehensive characterization of oil samples, significantly improving the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of laboratory analyses.